Fermata: Coda

FERMATA was a massive multi-part exhibition at ARTISPHERE dedicated entirely to sound. This work was created for a 14-channel speaker installation developed by John Henry Blatter. These recordings were part of FERMATA's final set list, CODA (organized and funded by Transformer in DC).
image:  courtesy of Artisphere
From Press Release:[…] “Francisco’s work for Coda is a beautiful mess in three parts. Falling in and out of rhythm and harmony, she combines pleasant melodies with painfully distorted samples. These three pieces source a decade’s worth of rough recordings mixed with sounds collected and arranged specifically for John Henry Blatter‘s speaker wall. Audio sources include a make-shift instrument crashing around in a minivan, radio dialog, a field recording from an ER observation area, manipulated music boxes, bell sets, a toy piano, the bellows of a early 19th century melodeon, a clock in a cooking pot, and water bursting from a wooden structure - among other things.